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Webinar Recording

Democratizing Coaching at AGCO


Colleen Sugrue

Head of Global Learning

Parker Mitchell


Webinar Recording

Learn from Colleen Sugrue, AGCO's Head of Global Learning, on how she has upended the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to leadership and learning and provided personalized support to front-line employees.

Colleen touches on the specifics of how after a very successful pilot, she secured CEO-level buy-in to offer the coach to everyone in the company, and a few weeks ago sent out an email to 24,000 employees offering them the chance to sign up.

She also shared different anecdotes from her deployment of Valence's AI coach, Nadia. The specifics of her security checklist and due diligence, the initial use cases, and early reactions from her users.

Parker and Colleen also explored the future of Learning & Development (L&D) and the impact of Generative AI on the field.

Webinar Recording

Learn from Colleen Sugrue, AGCO's Head of Global Learning, on how she has upended the traditional one-size-fits-all approach to leadership and learning and provided personalized support to front-line employees.

Colleen touches on the specifics of how after a very successful pilot, she secured CEO-level buy-in to offer the coach to everyone in the company, and a few weeks ago sent out an email to 24,000 employees offering them the chance to sign up.

She also shared different anecdotes from her deployment of Valence's AI coach, Nadia. The specifics of her security checklist and due diligence, the initial use cases, and early reactions from her users.

Parker and Colleen also explored the future of Learning & Development (L&D) and the impact of Generative AI on the field.

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