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You can’t reach everyone, so build a culture that does, with Angela Ruggiero

Angela discusses how her experiences at Bridgewater were shaped by her Team USA hockey experience.

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You can’t reach everyone, so build a culture that does, with Angela Ruggiero

Angela discusses how her experiences at Bridgewater were shaped by her Team USA hockey experience.

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Vanguard’s competitive edge is its teams, with Bill McNabb

Bill shares Vanguard’s strategies for success, most notably the central role of effective teaming.

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What we can learn from NASA’s high stakes transformation, with Ed Hoffman

Following the tragic disaster of the Columbia Space Shuttle, NASA underwent a massive culture change effort that centered on teamwork.

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Leaders who show vulnerability build the strongest teams, with Johanne Lavoie

Leading teams through transformations is uncomfortable. Johanne's experiences at McKinsey help her challenge leaders to embrace discomfort.

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Psychological safety breeds growth and learning, with Bill Pelster

Bill was a key architect of Deloitte University which revolutionized corporate training. Deloitte University normalized the power of experimental learning and failing in a safe environment.

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Break free from ‘mindtraps’ to thrive in a complex world, with Jennifer Garvey Berger

Growing complexity requires new approaches to leading people and crafting business solutions.

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The case for CHROs to focus on strategy and offload admin, with Dominic Barton

Dominic’s extensive leadership experience at McKinsey allows him to make succinct recommendations that influence strategy.

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Build resiliency as corporate lifespans decline, with Pravir Malik

Longevity depends on companies’ ability to morph culture and operations as complex adaptive systems.

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Visible data will be tomorrow’s competitive advantage, with Ram Charan

Ram shares insights he’s gleaned from his 35+ year career as an advisor to top companies, CEOs and boards.

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Striking a balance: why women mean business, with Avivah Wittenberg-Cox

CEOs need to pause and ensure their teams are ready for diversity change, says Avivah.

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Six months into the pandemic, we need to embrace recovery at work and at home, with Johanne Lavoie

Inspired by her own methods of coping with the pandemic, Johanne draws on her experience to offer tips for building teams that can adapt and continue performing.

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