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Striking a balance: why women mean business, with Avivah Wittenberg-Cox

CEOs need to pause and ensure their teams are ready for diversity change, says Avivah.

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CEOs who are chomping at the bit to make progress on diversity, often charge ahead without taking stock to ensure other leaders have made the necessary mindset shifts.

Don’t assume everyone gets it.

Even if you think everyone is on board, it’s important to pause, take stock and educate your team about diversity issues. Avivah notes the importance of taking cultural context into account in interventions to improve the gender balance.

Feedback pushes the flywheel. 

As leaders become more skilled at inclusive leadership, they often start to receive positive feedback and become more excited. This positive feedback loop is critical to sustained and successful diversity initiatives.

Engage the next generation.

As men are becoming more involved in raising kids, there is a new leveling occurring in gender expectations. Organizations have an opportunity to take advantage of this shift to create cultures that more fully support all employees.